Trevor Hunt
Trevor Hunt was born in 1975 into a long line of Kwagiulth carvers from Fort Rupert on the north end of Vancouver Island. The Hunt family has figured prominently in the survival of the Kwagiulth art form on the Northwest Coast. Trevor Hunt’s father is Stan Hunt, his grandfather Henry Hunt and his great grandfather the renowned Mungo Martin.
At age 10, Hunt began painting and drawing original interpretations of Kwagiulth myths and stories. He went on to learn the art of traditional form line design from his father and cousins Tim Alfred and David Knox.
He is known for blending tradition and his unique vision on story poles, masks, panels, prints and drums. Hunt regularly receives commissions throughout the United States and Europe, including a 38-foot painting of an Orca whale in Telegraph, B.C. and more than 25 poles. One massive 52-foot totem pole, carved in collaboration with family members, stands as the centerpiece of Canada Square in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Hunt lives in Fort Rupert, the traditional home of the Kwagiulth people, with his wife and four children. He continues to study the Kwagiulth art form and teaches carving to children at the Wagulis School and Fort Rupert Elementary, which adopted one of his drum designs as their new logo.